Monday 5 May 2008

The Beginning

I will begin this blog where it actually began- here on Adams Road, Cambridge. I've decided (yet again!) to start a blog but this time I'm hoping I will feel more comfortable with it. (I bought a digital camera the other week and I feel, if anything, that this blog could somehow legitimise having got it!)

So this is where I live. A unique house with a lot of stories. I couldn't do justice to them without writing thousands of words, but maybe I will post something about the place and its inhabitants before I leave. Here are some pictures of the place -

". . .before I leave." Another reason why I've decided to start this blog. I will be heading off to Ireland soon to start a new life (more a change of tack), if all goes well, and I'd like to use this space to let you all know what is happening.

But before that there are lots of exciting things ahead. . . Well, "lots" may be a slight exaggeration. . .

1 comment:

Marti said...

well done dude! good to hear from you. love from peru! m&v