Wednesday 5 November 2008


Just a wee post to express my joy and excitement about oh baby bama!!! Who knows what will happen in the future, but for the moment, this moment, anything is possible. And look at that smile. . . Good luck to him, the States and the world! (We're gonna need it! Speaking of which - everyone should keep bees!)


Pachu del Valle said...

The guy is not against dead penalty, is he?. Well, he is a bite black but... is leading a revolutionary party? Is any black power activist? a black panther? No. He's just the new USA president who, right now, only can be either Republican or Democrat. OK he's the first almost black president of the States, but just that. Is he going to forgive Brazil's debt? Is he going to shut Guantánamo forever? is he going to stop the international weapon business? to stop the "Plan Colombia"? to finish Cuban bloquing? to leaving Africa(not just irak)

anouk said...

ooh, we have a cynic here! ;) usually i would say the same, but this IS an important election - even if he turns out to be disappointing - because he is far from a natural choice for average americans. but he has pledged to close guantanamo, tighten gun laws and would like to abolish the death penalty, but that is a federal issue which he has no real control over anyway. his biography is interesting too and he has done a lot of work in community projects etc and as a young, unknown politician, he hasn't gathered as much outside "influence". so there is potential. but most of all - thank fuck mccain and that awful palin aren't in!!! at least obama can rub some brain cells together, eh?

Pachu del Valle said...

You Know I'm not a Cynic, rather a bit cynical. I acept that.
However, Felipe González's CV was a socialist one's. He turned not to be such a thing!