Wednesday 28 January 2009

Death of a Gentle Giant

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It was a sad day when our Ecology Field Trip took us to Courtmacsherry to see a stranded Fin whale. When we were there it was already dead, but our teacher had seen it alive. There was a crowd of people there and a rather crude and opportunistic fish and chip van! It was very depressing to be amongst a crowd of people gawking at such an incredible creature, but I was comforted by the reminder of the history of such gatherings and the 16th century Dutch and German engravings of people doing exactly the same thing.

The cause of death is not yet known, but its body parts were taken away for post mortem. There were some botched attempts to move the poor beast and then to bury it, but in the end it was cut in pieces. I think the skeleton will be put on display in nearby Kilbrittain (funny name, eh?!).

Here are some photos.

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